Conversations Magazine joins the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities and the Ignatian Solidarity Network in support of our Jesuit sister university, the University of Central America (UCA). Violence has occurred in Managua since April 18th when political unrest began across the nation. On May 30th – Mother’s Day in Managua – a demonstration of concerned mothers resulted in gunfire and thousands fled to the UCA for safety. The Ignatian Solidarity Network features an article about this protest with video coverage from Brian Strassburger, S.J.
As the violence continues, colleges and universities across the nation have released letters in support of UCA. The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities has collated news stories, these letters of support, and other resources about the continual political crisis on a special page dedicated to Nicaragua. Visit their website today to learn more about this crisis.
Joining the AJCU, Conversations Magazine calls to Nicaraguan government to end violence against the people of Nicaragua. To get involved, consider writing to US Senators and Representatives urging them to take action on behalf of the suffering people of Nicaragua.
The cover photo is an image of the entrance to the UCA and is featured courtesy of the Ignatian Solidarity Network.