The Association for Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) announced earlier today that Rev. Michael J. Sheeran, S.J., President, will retire in in June 2020. He has served as president since April 2013.
Conversations Magazine, published by the AJCU, recognizes Fr. Sheeran for his leadership during his tenure. As the AJCU notes, Sheeran has particularly placed an emphasis on lay formation, something Conversations Magazine sees as crucial for the future of the 27 AJCU colleges and universities. He also has been a champion for the magazine’s success which helps form lay colleagues across the country, says Pat Howell, S.J. chair of the National Seminar:
During these last seven years Fr. Michael Sheeran SJ has been a great advocate for Conversations magazine and applauded every one of our forays out into new territory for layout, production values, moving to full color, taking on tough issues, and establishing an active, dynamic website. I personally will miss his generous presence and wise counsel. It’s the mark of a great administrator to hire fine people, and Father Sheeran leaves a further legacy of a strong, dynamic AJCU team at the center.
In this moment in the higher education landscape and national political climate, the AJCU has needed thoughtful leadership. Sheeran graciously provided this. Seattle University President Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J. commends Sheeran for offering this to the 27 Jesuit colleges and universities:
Mike Sheeran brought to his leadership of AJCU all of his experience as an effective and admired president of Regis University. In addition his research about discernment in the Quaker and Ignatian traditions was very helpful for the promotion of discernment needed in our colleges and universities. We all recognized in Mike an special care for and supportive collaboration with the staff of the AJCU office.
The AJCU will announce a successor to Sheeran in 2020. Conversations Magazine offers continual thanksgiving for Sheeran’s support.
Photos are featured courtesy of the Association of Jesuit College and Universities. For any additional information, please contact Deanna Howes Spiro, Director of Communications, AJCU,