Conversations Magazine Seeks New Editor

Conversations seeks a new editor.  Fr. Ed Schmidt, S.J. will have capably completed six years in this role by April of next year.  He has worked with our layout editor and the Seminar board to take the magazine to a much higher degree of excellence and readability, including a shift to full color throughout the magazine.   The National Seminar in Jesuit Higher Education, which publishes Conversations, is now looking for a new editor who can advance the magazine in a multitude of ways, which will include both printed and online capacities.  All past issues can be found by clicking here as well as by visiting the archive located on Marquette University's website.The growth area will be in social media and digital capacity. 

Job Description

The Editor, in collaboration with the Chair and members of the National Seminar, plans, edits and produces each issue of the magazine.

The National Seminar consists of approximately twelve members who meet three times a year in order to forecast and plan the two issues that are published each year.  The Seminar determines the topic, the names of writers, and invites designated authors to provide key articles. 

After the Seminar board has approved and accepted the articles, the Editor himself/herself personally edits every piece, organizes the general layout, sends them to the designer, proofs the galleys, and sends them to the printer,  checks everything again, and returns the issue to the printer.  Ideally all the articles will be pre-edited prior to the Seminar meeting and accepting the articles.

She/he also designs the cover, writes an introduction to the issue, selects four students from four universities on a rotating basis, in consultation with the seminar members, who will write student essays.  The Editor personally contacts writers whenever major changes in an article are needed or to clarify information.

The Chair of the Seminar and the Editor are in regular communication to keep production flowing smoothly and to track the Checklist listing all the articles and authors, which the Chair produces and oversees. 


The successful candidate for Editor will have experience in Jesuit higher education, capacity for organizing a publication, a high degree of expertise in editing, and capacity to gauge the audience for the magazine.   He/she should have a breadth of interests and sensitivities order to ensure, along with all the seminar members, that multiple and diverse points of view on our campuses are represented.


A modest stipend goes with the position of Editor.  All expenses, including travel and lodging, are covered. 


Please submit a letter of interest, along with a Curriculum Vitae, to

Patrick Howell SJ, chair @

National Seminar in Jesuit Higher Education

For further information, you may contact Father Howell (“Pat”) directly at 206-437-4537 cell or at    Please submit application electronically.


The Seminar Board will be considering the first round of applications at its meeting at Canisius College in Buffalo, September 15-16.  The application process will remain open until the right candidate is found and has accepted the position.  Ideally, the new Editor will begin his/her duties at the April 2019 meeting at the University of Detroit Mercy.  At that time the articles and authors for the fall edition (August), which the new Editor will oversee in collaboration with Ed Schmidt, will be identified and assigned.

The cover photo is featured courtesy of Ramesh NG of the Flickr Creative Commons.