Ten Questions for Continuing the Conversation

In the spirit of reflection, we pose these questions as an opportunity to extend the conversation. We hope that by offering these ideas, the discussion continues on your campus— with colleagues, with students, and with your community.

1. How are invitations to campus extended to community members? Does the community invite the university to participate in community events?

2. What vocabulary is used to discuss relationships with the neighborhood, community, organizations? What do those words say about the relationships?

3. What is the role of your university in the place it sits?

4. How does faith drive relationships between the university and the local community?

5. Where does mission of the university drive relationships with the local community?

6. Does gentrifcation play a role in the way your university interacts with the community?

7. What role do government or community organizations play in university decisions? (mayors, governors, city planners, neighborhood associations)

8. How are Jesuit communities using their spaces to respond to the needs of their community?

9. How do our universities reconcile campus safety while maintaining openness with the local community?

10. Does the physical space of the university promote connections with the surrounding community? What barriers or welcome signs exist?


The cover photo is courtesy of Gonzaga University