Ten Questions for Continuing the Conversation

In the spirit of reflection, we pose these questions as an opportunity to extend the conversation. We hope that by offering these ideas, the discussion continues on your campus – with colleagues,
with students, and with your community.

1. Where are the places/spaces on our campus that provide support for students on our campus? (counseling centers and beyond?)

2. What are ways that I let students know that I am supportive of mental health needs? (syllabus language, readings in class, etc.) Are my course policies (on attendance, late assignments) able to accommodate students struggling with mental illness?

3. Is our campus a place where students/faculty/staff feel comfortable talking about and addressing mental health needs? How do we address those needs?

4. Am I comfortable discussing mental health? How do issues of mental health impact my work on campus? What are some personal experiences with students/faculty/staff that have impacted this viewpoint?

5. How do we define cura personalis in the context of mental health on our campus?

6. How do I care for my own mental health? Prayer? Conversations with family and friends? Exercise? Therapy or counseling? Community? How do I know when I am NOT taking care of my mental health? What are those impacts on me?

7. Does my institution offer its students, faculty, and staff multiple avenues toward the wellness of the whole person (yoga, meditation, nutritional counseling, quality food)?

8. Do I have the phone numbers or contacts for mental health professionals should a crisis arise and I’m the only one available?

9. Does campus ministry or the university have spirituality resources
available for students managing their mental illness?

10. Does someone preach on mental illness and spirituality at least once a year at the university chapel? (See Mark 5:1-20)

The cover photo is courtesy of Gonzaga University