Helpful Information to Promote Wellbeing on Campus from Loyola University Maryland

Common Warning Signs of Mental Health Difficulties:

Talks or writes about committing suicide; Has trouble eating or sleeping; Exhibits drastic changes in behavior; Withdraws from friends or social activities; Loses interest in school, work, or hobbies; Takes unnecessary risks; Has recently experienced serious losses; Loses interest in personal appearance; Increases alcohol or drug use; Has difficulty with concentration; Exhibits excessive worry or fear; Has prolonged feelings of sadness.

FERPA Regulations make it clear that disclosure to appropriate officials is valid if the information contained in the education record is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals (34 CFR § 99.36). Examples - Several institutions have implemented practices that exemplify the Jesuit tradition of becoming people for and with others. Each year, Fairfield University’s Counseling and Psychological Services partners with Campus Ministry on three large scale outreach events, focused upon the value and preciousness of each life, a community of care, and a time for prayer and reflection. At John Carroll University, many students, staff, and faculty complete the Kognito At-Risk online trainings to more effectively identify, support, and refer students experiencing distress. Finally, Loyola University Maryland uses its Let’s Talk public health campaign to educate the entire campus community on issues such as stress, healthy relationships, body pride, and suicide prevention.

Recommended Syllabus Statement taken from Loyola University Maryland:

Stress is a normal part of a being a student. However, if personal or emotional concerns are interfering with your ability to live and learn at Loyola, please stop by the Counseling Center in Humanities 150 or call 410-617-CARE (2273). More information about the Counseling Center can be found at