A Fond Farewell

By Patrick Howell, S.J., Chair


With this issue of Conversations Father Ed Schmidt finishes a fine, six-year run as editor of the magazine. He is known to all of you because of his flawless productions, free of typos, of irritating errors, of repeated words, or careless editing. The outstanding editor, stereotypically, is curmudgeonly, cranky, demanding and laces his critiques with devastating wit. That legend died when Ed became editor. Ed, instead, fulfills the sacred duty of a copy editor; he is like a priest, safeguarding the faith.

He is known to us on the Seminar as a genial, thoughtful participant in our multiple conversations, whether formally as we brainstorm and assign articles or, more informally, around the convivial dinner table on Saturday night once we celebrate another satisfying conclusion of mapping out the next issue.

Despite his travels to the Holy Land, Lithuania, Poland, Milano, Italy (every Holy Week), Ed managed to stay on track with Conversations productions and gracefully accepted the fact that faculty, as authors, are also late with assignments.

As chair of the National Seminar I have worked closely with Ed, and often enough whenever I have found myself in New York, we have taken in a play or two. I will certainly miss our friendly encounters, his engaging, welcoming presence. We wish him godspeed as he returns to Cincinnati after an absence of 37 years! At the same time we will expect his occasional essays with which I’m sure he’ll grace us.