Global Perspectives

Catholic Theological Society of America Issues Statement Against Trump Executive Order on Refugees and Immigration

On behalf of more than 1,300 theologians in the United States, the Catholic Theological Society of American Board issued a statement against the immigration policies of the Trump Administration. Drawing from the Gospel and the values of Jesuit institutions, this document highlights the continual need for our schools to have difficult conversations about how to better protect and serve the most vulnerable in society. 

Wounded Warriors: Ignatius of Loyola and Veteran Students

Military veterans at Jesuit colleges and universities have for generations found a special patron in Ignatius of Loyola, whose personal experience as a wounded warrior sparked the conversion that eventually led to the foundation of the Society of Jesus and his canonization in the Catholic Church.   Thu T. Do and Mary Dluhy propose that Ignatius continues to serve as a patron today for veterans in our own society, and offer insights into how Jesuit universities today can support our returning vetrans. 

Ite Inflammate Omnia: Setting the World on Fire with Learning

Ite Inflammate Omnia: Setting  the World on Fire with Learning

Globalization has been growing for centuries. But the speed of communication and exchange today, and the concomitant complexity of interaction among diverse people and places, has intensified its importance.

The People's Pope

The People's Pope

In just short of 18 months, the new pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who took the name Francis, has captured the world’s imagination and brought a remarkably bright new image to the Catholic Church.