BC's Michael Serazio interviews Fordham University graduate Kiyun Kim. Kim talks about her photo series which documents the types of microagressions students of color experience on college campuses today.
How Southern Jesuit Universities Handled Racism in the Past
A Historical Moment: Spring Hill College
How Loyola Undergraduates Welcomed Undocumented Students
River of Recyclables
Connecting Streams across Campus
Uniquely Suited to Tackle the Environmental Crisis
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor: "Laudato Si'" and Jesuit Higher Education
Sport and the Spirit of Jesuit Education
In the most recent issue of Conversations (Fall 2015, No. 48), I wrote about how the emergence of the market society in the United States was negatively impacting intercollegiate athletics because it was “crowding out non-market values worth caring about.”