Jesuit Traditions

Finding God in All Things: Sex, Relationships, and Jesuit Identity

Finding God in All Things: Sex, Relationships, and Jesuit Identity

Fostering an openness to transcendence is one of the graces of teaching in a Jesuit university. We help our students to know God better by helping them to engage more deeply in the world. 

The People's Pope

The People's Pope

In just short of 18 months, the new pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who took the name Francis, has captured the world’s imagination and brought a remarkably bright new image to the Catholic Church.

A Committed Life

A Committed Life

I began my professional life full of illusion. I had written my dissertation on Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Golden Age Spain’s greatest Catholic playwright, and although I was a committed atheist, Calderón’s message of personal responsibility, commitment to others, and service to a greater cause resonated with me.