Howard Gray, SJ, considers current experiences of exclusion and welcome, and asks what a Jesuit college or university might offer in the tradition of "sanctuary."
The Ignatian Witness to Truth in a Climate of Injustice
Campus Responds: Sexual Violence Prevention at Canisius College
Over the Transom: How 15 Years in Jail Transformed My Theology
We're All Dying... So Let's Talk About It
Making Interfaith Conversations Central to our Jesuit Mission: Why and How to Get Started
Campus Responds: The Advocates Initiative at Loyola New Orleans
Too Catholic, Not Catholic Enough: Holding the Creative Tension with Beloved Balance
An Avenue to Transformation: Five Attributes of Fruitful Conversation
Muslim in the Jesuit World: Mercy Meets Love
Consent and the Catholic University: Social Justice and Sexuality
Urgent Values: Sustaining a Very Fine Balance
Teaching Difficult Conversations: Navigating the Tension
Catholic Theological Society of America Issues Statement Against Trump Executive Order on Refugees and Immigration
On behalf of more than 1,300 theologians in the United States, the Catholic Theological Society of American Board issued a statement against the immigration policies of the Trump Administration. Drawing from the Gospel and the values of Jesuit institutions, this document highlights the continual need for our schools to have difficult conversations about how to better protect and serve the most vulnerable in society.