Of Cannonballs and Conversions: Preparing Our Students (and Ourselves) for the Ignatian Year

Of Cannonballs and Conversions: Preparing Our Students (and Ourselves) for the Ignatian Year

In the midst of experiencing a barrage of cannonballs, what lessons can staff, faculty, and administrators in Jesuit higher education draw from Saint Ignatius’ story for ourselves and our students? Additionally, how might we make better use of the gifts of Ignatian spirituality and the opportunity of the upcoming Ignatian Years as a bridge from devastation to gratitude, from despair to joy, from desolation to consolation?

Dreaming Solidarity

Dreaming Solidarity

With the enormous challenges facing Jesuit colleges and universities, how might the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus inspire all stakeholders in Jesuit higher education to dream new ways of being in solidarity with those on the margins?

Listening and Leading with Hope and Faith

Listening and Leading with Hope and Faith

As a first-year dean of the School of Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University, Rosemarie Hunter has fielded questions about her leadership style and administrative priorities. With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, those questions have evolved to include the following: How are you leading in the time of COVID-19? How will you take the School forward in the context of a pandemic?

The Beijing Center Carries on Jesuit Traditions of Friendship and Scholarship

The Beijing Center Carries on Jesuit Traditions of Friendship and Scholarship

As an intellectual apostolate of the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus, The Beijing Center is committed to serving as a hub of international Jesuit higher education. Following the example Matteo Ricci, S.J., how might students and scholars continue the tradition of fostering mutual understanding between China and other cultures through cultural exchange, education, and research?