Wheeling Jesuit University President Michael Milhalyo issues a statement to the university declaring financial exigency on March 12. This announcement followed an emergency Board of Trustees meeting the week before. In the statement, Milhalyo noted many factors including operating expenses, highly discounted enrollment, and various other costs. This follows financial troubles stemming back at least to 2017 when Wheeling Jesuit University sold the campus to the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to strengthen the university’s financial standing.
In response to the announcement, last Friday, the Faculty Council released a statement. Former Conversations Magazine National Seminar Member and Council Chair Jessica Wrobleski noted in the statement
“This is a difficult time for everyone, and the faculty recognizes the incredible pressure that leadership is facing…This Resolution is not to question the administration’s intent, but to call them— even in this time of difficulty—to make decisions that prioritize people over budgets, as our Catholic tradition demands.”
The university is likely to face significant budget cuts as the board works with President Milhalyo and the university’s accreditor, the Higher Learning Association.
During this tough time, the National Seminar of Conversations Magazine offers their support for faculty, staff, administrators and the board of trustees as the university discerns amidst a difficult future.